Chlorine and methane gases and their interaction Reactions between chlorine and methane
10 cosmic questions about the chemistry of space Take our quiz and find out how to …
Oxidation states of nickel and reactions with it Physical and chemical properties of nickel
"Christmas Mood" experiment How to make beautiful "hoarfrost" with benzoic acid
"Dry chemistry" experiment How to make salts change their color without …
Pineapples can “eat” you too The secret of pineapples
“Crying is cleansing”, or why onions are no reason to weep Why do we cry while cutting onions?
Grapefruit: The Phantom Menace Vitamins or harm?
Are frozen fruits and vegetables less nutritious than fresh ones? Should we really give them up?
“Silver eggshell” experiment How to make a silver egg
Lead The metal that poisoned Ancient Rome
“Fireproof banknote” experiment Why doesn't the banknote burn?
One of the most exciting and ambitious home-chemistry educational projects The Royal Society of Chemistry
One of the most exciting and ambitious home-chemistry educational projects